WOD: From Crossfit Football

On the Minute Every Minute 15 minutes
2 Power Cleans (as heavy as possible)
10 Double Unders

*Penalty: Any minute not completed, finish just that rounds reps in the next minute and rest for the remainder or that minute.  At the end, complete 5 burpee box jumps for each round failed

Post weight used and number of penalties
Bear Complex (BRINGING IT BACK!)

This is one rep (do not set the bar down)
1. Power Clean
2. Front Squat
3. Push-Press
4. Back Squat
5. Push-Press
*Strict* - Meaning, make each move separate...do not do a Power Clean thruster into a back thruster.  Do a Power clean, then a front squat, then push press...finish every move, yes, this is a game-changer

Do that seven times for one round without setting the bar down

Do 5 rounds total working up to your max... as much rest as you need between rounds

Deloading week for Wendler so i'm just going to combine them to make sure I get through it before Sunday so I can start my 3rd Wendler cycle.  I'll only post WODs

WOD: (modified from Crossfit Football)
On the minute for 15 minutes

2 Power Cleans (choose weight)
Max reps - alternate every minute between double unders, push ups, sit ups

Power clean weight - Use something you can do 2reps of but that as you progress in time you will have to do 1 at a time
After your two power cleans you use the rest of the minute to do max reps... minute 1 it is double unders, minute 2 is push ups, minute 3 is sit ups...then back to double unders - get it?
Wendler Week 3/Day 4:
Standing Overhead Press
5 Reps @ 75% max (80lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (90lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (105lb)

-in between sets-
Pull Ups 5 x 5

O-Lift Form work:
Work on something technique-wise you are bad at.  For example, I do not get under the bar well enough and am severly limiting my lifts... you don't have to lift the weight as high if you GET YOUR ASS DOWN...but I for some reason have trouble with this.  I'll probably work on the clean and snatch with lighter weights and getting my butt down

WOD: from Mainsite (don't do these too often!)
Five rounds for time of:
75 pound Push press, 25 reps
50 Double-unders

Wendler Week 3/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 75% max (140lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (155lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (175lb)

Accessory: 5 x 8 @ 75% (140lb)

-in between sets-
Pull Ups 5 x 5

Power Clean & Jerk




Hello, boys. Long time, no see. Glad to see that you're still posting and keeping up! Thought I'd post this strength WOD that we did over a year ago! (mainly because I want you to try it again)

5 Rounds
12 Dead Lift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Rx'd is 155 lbs. I did it at 125 over a year ago so that's what I did it at last night.

2011 score: 15:45
2012 score: 11:37


Wendler Week 1/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 65% max (150lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (170lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (195lb)

WOD: From Littleton
5 Rounds:
10 Burpee-to-Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Power Cleans(135/93)

Scale 1:

Scale 2:

I will be using scale 1 to make it less strength based

Deload Week
Wendler Week 4/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 40% max (70lb)
5 Reps @ 50% max (90lb)
5 Reps @ 60% max (105lb)

In between sets: Pull Ups 5 x 4 reps

Then, from LIttleton
13 Rounds
6 – HPC (Hang Power Clean)
6 – Push Presses
6 – Wtd Lunges (barbell on back)

Same weight for all exercises (115/75), if you put the bar down during the round, immediately perform 13 burpees.
Scale 1: 105lb
Scale 2: 85lb

Wendler Week 1/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 65% max (115lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (130lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (150lb)

In between sets, 5 sets of 4 pull ups (choose your own number of reps to shoot for; your max minus 2 is a good target)

Other Work
Power Clean 2-2-2-1-1-1-1

From Littleton:

25 Deadlifts 175lb/115
25 GH Situps
25 KB Swings 32kg/20kg
25 Toes To Bar
25 Hang Power Cleans (155lb/103)

Scale 1:
(145/70 deadlift)

Scale 2:
(115/70 Deadlift)
Partial ROM GHDS’s

I am likely doing Scale 3:
Deads 175lb
KB Swing 45lb
Hang Power Clean: unsure, but maybe 135lb